Our tenants and Buyers
By embracing the “New World” population in commercial and multi-family real estate development, we are making a unique contribution. Many local developers continue to serve the retired community, and we think not enough property is being developed for the younger generations. We hope that implementing our modern development and management ideas will influence how others develop properties nearby, perpetuating quality workforce-oriented developments within these neighborhoods.
Carrying out projects to their highest and best use is the basis of our company. At this point in history, when people’s priorities and habits have changed so drastically, we believe we can bring great value to our community. Through our experience and the success of our projects, we can demonstrate millions of dollars of value being created. We can quickly show prospective owners how modern property uses can give them an economic advantage. We believe in minimalistic design and construction concepts. Workmanship and quality fixtures are crucial, and we strive for minimal waste. Knocking down the old should give way to resizing, reusing, repurposing, and recycling almost everything. The idea of simplicity in every detail, we believe, is the future of the commercial and multi-family real estate. The creation of real estate is an important responsibility, and we are committed to do the best job possible by learning from the young people who will be using these new properties.

Our Tenants and Buyers
Most of our customers were educated in the Digital Age. They were taught with the use of personal computers in their classrooms starting in the mid-1980s. They are much different than prior generations because of their training. They have received less than their share of real estate opportunities because previous generations couldn’t fully understand their philosophies on living and working. We have studied how real property uses are changing in Florida’s youngest cities. We can see that our development concepts are working as we continue to attract the highest-quality tenants. We believe Bonita Springs offers everything needed by the current workforce, and we intend to be leaders in serving the best small businesses in this area now and many years into the future. Hovland Real Estate has always sought to attract the very best tenants
of the time by innovating fresh ideas.
To Potential
We welcome discussions with owners of commercial and multi-family land and strive to develop more landmark properties. Our buildings have achieved rent rates that are more than double other buildings in their immediate areas due to proper design, sizing, and more than adequate common areas. We are a full-service brokerage and development firm that can complete acquisitions and can syndicate larger projects, often resulting in the sale of land. We have developed 76 buildings with various teams and have learned what it takes to make them successful. We are well known for our leasing ability and have worked with thousands of tenants in the last 30 years. We are equipped to provide landowners with accurate turn-key development cost analysis, reliable income projections, and leasing and modern management strategies.